
Bikini Beach + guests

L'Inter présente:

  • Concert annulé

    Samedi 06/04/2024 à 20:00


5-7 rue Moret 75011 Paris

Salle de concert, salle de spectacle

Paris 11e arrondissement

MCouronnesM 2

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

10 €Sur place

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À propos


(Konstanz, All - Garage, Psyché)
Everyone planning to pin down Bikini Beach’s musical style should start working on their hand-eye coordination. The three-piece rummages through a variety of genre toolboxes, picks out the bits and bobs that they like best and swiftly moves on to the next one.
The only constants: A penchant for fuzz guitars and the reverb drenched vocals of guitarist Nils Hagstrom and bass player Charlotte Love. To flesh out this foundation of garage grungyness, the band enlists the help of motorik-influenced psych and a pinch of swampy stoner rock and surf stylings. What may sound like a sparkly, but rather random concoction at first glance is lifted up by the trio’s songwriting chops, with which it’s able to infuse even the quieter moments with an air of hypnotic drive. In short: Trying to pigeonhole the band is hard – but joining Bikini Beach in tearing down genre boundaries with a chainsaw is easier than you think.“

  • Guests

Accès libre au bar du RDC
Tarif : 10€
Happy-hour de 16h à 20h
Restauration sur place
Inscription Newsletter:
5 rue Moret, Paris 11
Métro : Ménilmontant (L2), Oberkampf (L5 et L9), Parmentier (L3)
Aucun comportement sexiste, raciste, LGBTphobe ou discriminant ne sera toléré. L'équipe se réserve le droit d'entrée et reste à votre écoute en cas d'incident.

Les artistes

S'y rendre


5-7 rue Moret 75011 Paris

MCouronnesM 2 à 242m

MRue Saint-MaurM 3 à 314m

MBellevilleM 11M 2 à 622m

MSaint-AmbroiseM 9 à 746m


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