
Concrete x Token: Antigone b2b Kr!z, Ø [Phase] live, Neel

CONCRETE X Token Records Main Room: 23h30 - 10h (15e, gratuit avant minuit) Antigone b2b Kr!z Ø [Phase] live Neel WOODFLOOR : 22h-6h (entrée libre avant minuit) Phillip Jondo b2b Jules

  • Vendredi 02/02/2018 à 22:00


69 Port de la Rapée 75012 Paris

Bateau, Péniche

Paris 12e arrondissement

MGare de LyonM 14M 1

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À propos


► Aucune prévente, billets disponibles uniquement sur place.
► Corner food by Wall Street Hot Dog (Vendredi & Samedi : 22h - 05h)
► Merci de vous munir impérativement de vos papiers d'identité

Les artistes


Italian Giuseppe Tillieci has always paid great attention to the technical aspects of his sound whether crafting in the studio, DJing or playing live around the world. As such his output on labels like Prologue and Silent Season fuses rhythm and texture with techno and ambience in hugely captivating ways. Of course, Neel’s main output to date has been alongside long-term professional and personal..

Italian Giuseppe Tillieci has always paid great attention to the technical aspects of his sound whether crafting in the studio, DJing or playing live around the world. As such his output on labels like Prologue and Silent Season fuses rhythm and texture with techno and ambience in hugely captivating ways. Of course, Neel’s main output to date has been alongside long-term professional and personal friend Donato Dozzy as Voices from the Lake, but soon he is to release his first solo EPs and a debut LP called Phobos on the Spectrum Spools label.

Someone able to make music that is as deep and obscure as it is fluid and rhythmic, Neel also performs in three different ways in clubs around the world. Firstly, he is an exceptional DJ able to fuse together the sort of cerebral and cohesive sets that really transport you to another realm. Secondly, he performs a mesmerising AV show with the help of a mysterious visual artist. It recently debuted at Mutek and marries abstract visuals with atmospheric sonics, leaving audiences left adrift in wide open spaces of sound that work the head as much as the heel.

Finally, of course, there are the shows along side Donato as Voices from the Lake, which see the pair explore experimental underwater sounds influenced by nature, African drums, Kosmische and minimalism. Neel, then, is a true modern day techno craftsman who can do surreal and unusual things with sound in truly unique ways.

S'y rendre


69 Port de la Rapée 75012 Paris

MGare de LyonM 14M 1 à 346m

MQuai de la RapéeM 5 à 507m

MGare d'AusterlitzM 10M 5 à 520m

MQuai de la GareM 6 à 565m

RerGare de LyonRer a à 351m

RerGARE DE LYON RER DRer aRer d à 452m


TransGARE DE LYON RER DTrans r à 452m


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