
British Sea Power

Cela faisait quelques années que la France n'avait pas eu la chance d'accueillir le collectif de Brighton. 2017 corrige le tir : il sera en concert samedi 27 mai 2017 au Nouveau Casino à Paris.

  • Samedi 27/05/2017 à 19:30

Nouveau Casino

109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris

Paris 11e arrondissement

MParmentierM 3

Voir la carteComment s'y rendre

19,30 €Tarif unique

Le demi est à 5,50 €

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Tarif unique........19€30

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109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris

Métro ligne 3 : Parmentier / Saint Maur

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Le Nouveau Casino n'est accessible qu'aux personnes majeures munies d'une pièce d'identité.
La direction se réserve le droit d'admission.

Les artistes

British Sea Power

British Sea Power are an indie rock band based in Brighton, East Sussex, England, although three of the band members originally come from Kendal, Cumbria, England. The wide-ranging nature of their material has led critics to liken their sound to a variety of groups, from The Cure and Joy Division to the Pixies and Arcade Fire. The band are famed for their live performances, the unusual lyrical content of their songs and the adventurous choice of locations for some of their shows.

Since 2008, the British Sea Power line-up has consisted of Jan Scott Wilkinson (known as Yan - vocals, guitar), Martin Noble (known as Noble - guitar), Neil Hamilton Wilkinson (known as Hamilton - bass guitar, vocals, guitar), Matthew Wood (known as Wood - drums), Phil Sumner (cornet, keyboards), and Abi Fry (viola). The only former member is Eamon Hamilton (keyboards, vocals, percussion, guitar), since 2006 the frontman of Brakes.

S'y rendre

Nouveau Casino

109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris

MParmentierM 3 à 148m

MCouronnesM 2 à 389m

MSaint-AmbroiseM 9 à 572m

MGoncourt (Hôpital Saint-Louis)M 11 à 635m

MOberkampfM 5M 9 à 671m


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