W.A.S.P - The Crimson Idol 25th Anniversary World Tour - REIDOLIZ
Dimanche 29/10/2017 à 18:30
Elysée Montmartre
72, Bld Rochechouart 75018 Paris
Salle de concert, salle de spectacle
Paris 18e arrondissement
33 €Prix FNAC
Concert annulé ? Complet ? Prévenez l'équipe LyloModifier les tarifs
À propos
2017 marks 25th years from the original release of the acclaimed album "The Crimson Idol" by W.A.S.P.
Recognized worldwide as the band's landmark recording, W.A.S.P. will commemorate the release of that historic album by performing it in its entirety: "Re-Idolized: The 25th Anniversary of The Crimson Idol" World Tour.
The tour will feature the complete album, as well as the 3 missing songs originally intended to be part of those recordings. The show will be done in two parts, with the first being "The Crimson Idol", and part two being a collection of greatest hits.
Les artistes
S'y rendre
72, Bld Rochechouart 75018 Paris
à 28m
Funiculaire Gare basse
à 171m
à 407m
à 443m
à 753m